Tuesday, April 01, 2008


So after years of procrastinating, I have decided to finally prepare for a marathon this year. I have yet to figure out which one. The longest I have ever run is 28 km last year in New York (now I live in Mumbai). Then, I had run from my house on 58th street and 9th Avenue to George Washington Bridge on 181st street and Riverside Avenue along the Hudson. I have tried running beyond 28km but have failed as my knees start wobbling around the 24-25 km mark.

Of the 4 aims I list above, only two are work-in-progress - stock markets and learning French. So I will discard the other two and focus on marathon this year. I think I will maintain a diary so as to really make sure that I practice.

29/03 - 5 km at the gym
01/04 - 6 km around Five Gardens

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And the winner is.